According to the Practical Vat Loose
Leaf Service, exempt supplies and zero-rated supplies are often seen as the
same thing by Vat vendors, but they're treated differently by the Vat Act and
have different results. Read on to discover the difference between exempt
supplies and zero-rated supplies so your business can cash in on the input tax
benefits of zero-rated supplies.
It's important that you don't
confuse exempt supplies and zero-rated supplies. There's a difference between
the two and getting it wrong means setting your business up for a SARS audit.
So what's the difference between
exempt supplies and zero-rated supplies?
According to the Practical Vat Loose Leaf
Service, exempt supplies are supplies that are exempt of tax. There's no
output tax, no input tax and no tax invoices. Tax
doesn't apply at all in this case.
On the other, hand zero-rated
supplies are supplies that output tax is charged on
at 0%. This means you can claim input tax for your
business and tax invoices issued
must show Vat at the zero
Exempt supplies vs. zero-rated
supplies – the breakdown
Exempt supplies
Exempt supplies
- Non-taxable supplies.
- Similar to supplies made by non -Vat vendors, which aren't taxable.
- If you make an exempt supply, you can't claim an input tax deduction on related expenses of goods or services.
- Don't form part of your taxable turnover.
- If you only make exempt supplies, you can't even apply for registration as a vendor as you don't qualify as one.
- An exempt supply doesn't need special documentary proof as you won't make any tax claims.
Zero-rated supplies
- Taxable supplies that are subject to Vat at a zero rate of 0% instead of the standard rate of 14%.
- A non -Vat vendor can't make a zero-rated supply.
- You CAN claim input tax deductions on related expenses of goods or services.
- Form part of your taxable turnover.
- Where you only make zero-rated supplies, you must still register for Vat if the value of your taxable supplies pushes you over the threshold.
- For legitimate zero-rating, you must keep detailed documentary proof.
Overall, the important points to
remember are zero-rated supplies are more beneficial to your business. This is
because you don't charge Vat on the
supply, but you can still claim your input tax back. With
exempt supplies, input tax is part of
your cost and you'll have to pay penalties if you try to make an invalid claim
for a refund.
Another important point to remember is that even though you don't declare output tax on zero-rated or exempt supplies, you must show them on your zero-rated and exempt sales on your Vat return. Otherwise you'll get flagged for a SARS' audit.
Another important point to remember is that even though you don't declare output tax on zero-rated or exempt supplies, you must show them on your zero-rated and exempt sales on your Vat return. Otherwise you'll get flagged for a SARS' audit.
by FSP
Business, 10 June 2013
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